Before you travel out of your own country, I'm a firm believer that you must make the effort to see what lies admits your own beautiful island....there is nothing like finding a little hotel, nestled among the coconut trees and blue sandy beaches filled with sea shells. And if you see a "room rush" offer, check it out! its worth clicking online and checking the hotels, you get some great deals. We took a deal at a hotel in Thalpe (Era beach) about a 2 1/2 hour drive from CMB (now thanks to the highway). The food and location was quite nice, however we did have some issues with the room we had booked, due to all the rooms being booked. That being the only hiccup in the location, the food was yum and the night was beautiful and we were able to have a quite dinner by the beach - nice location with great company, what more can you ask for on a weekend away holiday.....